
Hainan University

Hainan University (HAINU) has 66 programs in 4 degrees. Top 3 most applied programs are: Non - Degree degree Chinese Language and Culture Program program, Non - Degree degree Chinese Language and Culture Program program, Non - Degree degree Long-term Chinese Language and Culture program, You can apply all programs on CUCAS easily.

Featured Programs

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Hainan University
Hainan University (HAINU) has 66 programs in 4 degrees. Top 3 most applied programs are: Non - Degree degree Chinese Language and Culture Program program, Non - Degree degree Chinese Language and Culture Program program, Non - Degree degree Long-term Chinese Language and Culture program, You can apply all programs on CUCAS easily.
Featured Programs
Taught in Chinese
0 applied,0 saved
Taught in Chinese
0 applied,0 saved
Taught in Chinese
33 applied,10 saved
Taught in Chinese
37 applied,15 saved
Non-Degree Bachelor Master Doctoral
Chinese Language and Culture Program Autumn Class
Course Name Starting Date Application Deadline Teaching Language Tuition Fee
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